Exciting New Addition to HHF!
HHF is excited to welcome Beckum to the farm. He is 11 yrs old and confirmed Intermediare 1. Beckum has shown a talent for piaffe and passage. We look forward to developing this horse over the next year and hopefully Read the full blog post…
Eight 8’s Award
I am thrilled to say that two of my wonderful horses, Ferrero and especially Flirt, allowed my rider scores to rise to 8’s on nine separate tests. A variety of judges awarded these 8’s at 3rd Level gold shows including Read the full blog post…

Flirt 3rd Level champion at the 2014 Ontario Championships!
Flirt won both of his 3rd Level tests this past weekend with averages of 68%+ to become champion in his division at the Ontario Dressage Championships. FEI5* and 4* judges had many nice things to say about this very talented Read the full blog post…

73% at 3rd Level!!!
Flirt was shown for the first time at third level and received marks of 66-73% over the three days of showing. This is only his second show ever. We are so proud of this wonderful horse! Third level champion.
3 New Imported Horses Have Arrived!!
Our favorites from our trip to Europe are here. 4 year old Ficcochino, a 16.3 hh dynamite Westphalian gelding by Furst Romancier. Also, 5 yr old Ferrero, a 16.2 hh Hanoverian gelding by Fidertanz, is a fabulous adult amateur or Read the full blog post…
Europe 2014
We are off to Europe again. Mainly Germany and the Netherlands. We will be looking for some new sales prospects. Stay tuned for an update on our finds! Exciting!!!
Despereaux is SOLD!!
This fabulous horse has found a new home! He will be wintering in Florida and the remainder of the year, he will live in Vermont. He has the most loving family imaginable and will be well cared for. As for Read the full blog post…
Despereaux Ontario Reserve Champion!!
Despereaux (aka “Dutch”) competed at the Ontario Championships and was crowned Reserve Champion at 3rd Level. At only his first season at 3rd level, he has been consistently scoring in the high 60’s and low 70’s. Onwards and upwards….here we Read the full blog post…
Flirt tops the scores so far this year at Horse Haven Farm: 75%!!!!
5 yr old Flirt took on the challenge of his first big show at Palgrave, Ontario at the Caldedon Equestrian Park. He was very, very good, achieving a 75% in Training level. What a good boy!
Despereaux (aka “Dutch”) receives a 70.26%
Dutch had a great test in 3rd level getting over 70% from an FEI 4* judge! So Fun!!!